So, week 2 has come to a close today. I have a test next Wednesday in Anatomy and Physiology, but the class itself is turning out to not be the nightmare everyone says it is. I don't know if I have an easier professor or if it just comes naturally to me, but it really is turning out to be my easiest class of them all. Chemistry is my second easiest. This is hilarious considering my counselor was afraid I wouldn't be able to handle chemistry and A&P together, since they're such "tough classes". I also got some awesome news that I'll pass on here. The first school I went to was a large university in Minnesota. The likelihood of me getting into nursing school there was slim to none. They were saying you needed a 3.8 or 3.9 G.P.A. just to get onto the waiting lists. It was beyond disgusting. Here? 3.0. I know, my heart just about leaped with joy. I will certainly still be trying to get as high a G.P.A. as I can, but knowing that I don't have to cry over the 1 point that I missed on my lab report for chemistry makes me want to cry. (I'm sure there are people out there who know what I mean.)
I can seriously see myself opening up my acceptance letter in just a few short I need to keep grounded! :P
Keep studying and work tough!
~THE Future Nurse Chelsey
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