Friday, September 28, 2012

Application Process

I got my papers in order for the application process and thought I would walk through what goes into it, at least for my school. I'm applying for the Associates RN, so it's a 2 year program that only starts in the fall. On October 1st they start accepting the packets, which include your high school transcripts, your ACT/SAT scores, any other college transcripts, and scores from the entrance exam for the college if needed. From what I've heard from other people, the program is more of a first come first served rather than GPA based, although that's used if it comes down to one person or another. All we need to do is fill out the application, which has nothing more that your name, address, phone number, email, and what program you are applying for, then send that with your transcript packet to the main campus...and wait. I'll be sending mine out tomorrow, so I've got my fingers crossed. They said I should know by about the end of December, early January.

To anyone else out there sending in their applications, GOOD LUCK! See you in nursing school! ;)

~THE Future Nurse Chelsey

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