Friday, August 2, 2013

End of the year update, and new year ahead!

So, I just realized that I never really went into how the year ended. I did manage to get the lowest score on the test and still get an incentive. I got a 63% on the HAPS, which gave me an automatic B+ in the class, which is good, since I would've flunked it with the professor I had. She was good, but very tough. Overall I did really well and ended with a 3.8 gpa for the semester.

Now it's just a waiting game. I worked as a tutor over the summer and now have a little time off before nursing school starts. My orientation is August 15th and I start on the 19th. I will hopefully have a video up for you guys either today or tomorrow going over the books and supplies I have so far, as well as introducing you to my wonderful children! :) There will also be a follow up video detailing the rest of my books and supplies as well as orientation. 

I'm super excited guys and I can't wait to finally start this long journey. I really hope someone finds this helpful in some way or another. 

Keep on going guys! We're almost through the calm before the storm! Let's be ready!

~THE Future Nurse Chelsey

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